Allergic to Sheeple

I’m blasting your music CD that I purchased in your Awesome store for all of my Californian neighbors!! Don’t California my U.S.A. and get out of my Texas you dingbat knucklehead neighbors! I WISH MEDIABEAR WERE MY NEIGHBORS! KEEP ROCKIN UP THE GREAT COMMON SENSE TUNES MEDIABEAR!!!! Baaaaa

Mark raynold

You guys are the best and I love you and your team mediabear

Dear: Mark Raynold


That jacket make look sickget it…✌️…hey what do you call a 🐻 without teeth a gummy bear.😆


That jacket make look sickget it…✌️…hey what do you call a 🐻 without teeth a gummy bear.😆


Yo.. like all your videos are awesome. oh.. and by the way I have your pin to isn’t it amazig

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