Gaslighting Me with PSYOPS

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not a sheeep

your wit is awesome and is much appreciated by this over privileged under paid over worked veteran Caucasoid!

DONT….. EVER…. BE ….A …..LEEMING….. AMURI K A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stephen J Morrell

Last two years wherbI work I shouted the agenda down I got sick of nagging everyone and my family,after two forced jabbs after 25 October till now my wife has issues still my oldest son a nurse too same hospital but he stayed on for the booster and just said he gets way sicker since, now my boss believes me that MSM is 100% fake, as most of the boilermakers who had the jab have had convid but me with over a million people the second Canberra rallies I went to four there,5 in South Australia plus a 3000 motorcycle meet no masks, guess what I haven’t been sick!! The satire is actually true.

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